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时间:2015-10-16 17:46来源:International Energy Agency 作者:信息发布 点击:
List of tables
Table 1. Types of smart grid projects and their function 10
Table 2. Stakeholder mapping for smart grids 13
Table 3. Key questions for baseline research on smart grids 17
Table 4. Categorisation of typical drivers for smart grid deployment 21
Table 5. Selection of smart grid project types linked to drivers 23
Table 6. Categorisation of barriers to smart grid deployment 30
Table 7. Possible actions to overcome barriers to smart grid deployment 35
Table 8. Categories of milestones for smart grid deployment 38
Table 9. Qualitative and quantitative indicators for monitoring progress of implementing a smart grid roadmap 41
Table 10. Examples of distributed generation 45
List of figures
Figure 1. Roadmap development process 5
Figure 2. Electricity system evolution 6
Figure 3. Energy system challenges and the role of smart grids in response 7
Figure 4. Top drivers: ISGAN survey analysis of 22 countries 8
Figure 5. Investments needed to upgrade electricity grid infrastructures 9
Figure 6. Steps in the roadmap planning and preparation phase (Phase 1) 12
Figure 7. Categories of stakeholders in the RACI chart 12
Figure 8. Network of stakeholders in Panama 16
Figure 9. Steps in the roadmpas visioning phase (Phase 2) 19
Figure 10. European AMI outlook 2014 (Q2) 24
Figure 11. Steps in the roadmap document preparation phase (Phase 3) 29
Figure 12. Steps in the roadmap implementation, monitoring and revision phase (Phase 4) 39
Figure 13. Irish smart grid roadmap: Key milestones 40
Figure 3: Energy system challenges and the role of smart grids in response
Figure 3: Energy system challenges and the role of smart grids in response
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