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时间:2015-10-16 17:46来源:International Energy Agency 作者:信息发布 点击:
Table of contents
Foreword 1
Acknowledgements 4
Introduction 5
About technology roadmaps 5
About the How2Guide for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks 5
About smart grids 6
What are smart grids and why are they important? 6
Why focus on smart grids in distribution networks? 8
Overview of types of smart grid projects in distribution networks 9
The roadmap development process 12
Phase 1: Planning and preparation 12
Identifying stakeholders for smart grids in distribution systems 12
Conducting baseline research for smart grid potential 17
Phase 2: Visioning 18
Drivers for the deployment of smart grids in distribution networks 20
Addressing drivers through three case studies 25
Phase 3: Preparing the roadmap document 29
Common barriers to smart grid deployment and possible response actions 29
Timeline and milestones for smart grid deployment 36
Phase 4: Implementation, monitoring and revision 38
Conclusion 42
Annex 1: Possible structure of a smart grid roadmap 43
Annex 2: Stakeholder categories and mandate: The RACI chart 44
Annex 3: Brief descriptions of smart grid technologies 45
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) 45
Distributed energy resources (DERs) 45
Distributed generation 45
Demand response 46
Storage 46
Customer-side systems 46
Home energy management systems (HEMS) / building energy management systems (BEMS) 46
Electric transportation 47
Control-centre systems 47
Distribution automation 47
Substation automation 48
Asset management 48
Cross-cutting technologies 49
Information and communications technology (ICT) 49
Security and privacy 49
References 50
Workshop presentations and background material 51
Glossary 52
Acronyms, abbreviations and units of measure 53
Acronyms and abbreviations 53
Units of measure 54
List of boxes
Box 1. IEA smart grid definition 6
Box 2. Active engagement of municipalities in smart grid projects as a development strategy 19
Box 3. Case study 1: Loss reduction programme (Mexico) 26
Box 4. Case study 2: Smart grids for smart cities (China and Korea) 26
Box 5. Case study 3: Electricity Supply Board smart green circuits (Ireland) 28
Box 6. Case study 4: Automated meter management project (Italy) 37
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