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China Commercial Water Purifier Industry Report

时间:2020-02-11 12:20来源:http://www.gepresearch.com 作者:GEP Research 点击:


 GEP Research: China Commercial Water Purifier Industry Report(2019)




Chapter I Overview of Commercial Water Purifier Industry

Chapter Ⅱ Analysis on the External Environment for Commercial Water Purifier Industry

Section 1: Analysis on the Impacts of Macro Environment on Commercial Water Purifier Industry

I. China's per Capita Water Resources are Scarce and Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Water Resources is Uneven

2. Water Environment Has Serious Problems, With Severe Pollution Situation

Section 2: Analysis on Technical Policy Environment

1. Implementation of the First Mandatory Standard in the Water Purification Industry

2. Gradual Improvement of Industrial Safety Standards

Chapter Ⅲ Demand Analysis and Prospect Forecast Concerning the Commercial Water Purifier Industry in China

Section 1. Demand Market Capacity and Market Penetration of the Commercial Water Purifier Industry

Section 2. Demand Prospects for Subdivided Products of Commercial Water Purifiers

Section 3. Demand Development and Driving Factors

1. Increasingly Serious Water Pollution

2. Low Penetration Rate and Large Potential of Commercial Water Purification Market



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